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The messenger app partner
for instant kids' activities

Why Us

Botti is the parenting partner that provides you with curated kids' activities straight to your phone. When you want them, how you want them.

Knows you and your Kids

Progress's with you


to Use

Interactive and Intuitive

High-Quality Content

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How You Can Use the App

Once you subscribe, you'll get a WhatsApp message from Botti, your now-trusted parenting partner. Every time you need them, they will show up, sending you amazing, curated activities that perfectly match your kids and your preferences.

How It Works

Everybody Loves Botti!

“Every weekend I find myself frustrated just thinking about what to do with my kids. With botti, I wake up every Friday knowing I have everything I need.”

Shachar Hess, Father of 3

Try Botti for Free!

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